Professional Website Design Services



WPO Image

Constructed with the latest HTML 5


Bootstrap 5

Layouts with the latest Bootstrap 5


WPO Image

Designed with the latest CSS 3.

Our sites are built for performance and speed. As they are Mobile First optimised (not just mobile friendly) they load fast and rank well. As an added bonus for your mobile site visitors, this means that they don't drain mobile battery charge whilst visiting your site.

image of bars showing how much charge a phone battery has

The framework we use to build these sites was designed for optimal efficiency, avoiding 'code bloat' (which slows sites down and leads to vulnerabilities). It exceeds current best practice and provides sites that Google loves, because they meet Core Web Vitals.

If you currently have a website that you love, but it just doesn't meet new industry requirements, then speak to us, as we are likely able to rebuild it from the ground up to be the site you love - but with all the efficiencies and coding advantages that our latest websites provide.

How do you know we are the people to trust with building your website? Well, we'll show you the difference between how our site performs compared to other website providers in the Hunter and let you decide:

Factors We Consider When Building Your Website

Does Your Website Need to be Mobile Optimised?

Mobile phone with map and map pin

As you know, just about everyone, these days, has their mobile phone with them at all times. People are going to search for you on it and they are going to want to view your website on it. Without a properly optimised mobile site, you will likely lose a lot of potential business.

It’s essential these days. Simple as that.

18% of local mobile searches lead to a sale within one day.

With regard to whether you show up in the search engines, Google implemented 'Mobile First Indexing' in July 2019. Mobile-first indexing is simply how Google crawls and indexes the web. Instead of looking at the desktop version of the page, Google looks at the mobile version of the page.

In other words, Google is crawling and indexing your web page based on how it renders on a mobile phone rather than how it renders on a desktop computer. So if your mobile site is slow, hard to navigate or hard to read, that will impact your rankings these days.

Responsive web design (RWD) - which is to do with ensuring that web pages render well across a range of devices and screens from the smallest to the largest - has been around for quite some time. However, it is now more important than ever.

Of course our websites are all fully mobile optimised and pass the Mobile Friendly Test.

JCCSEO mobile friendly test results

Does Your Website Need to be Fast?

Page speed is a measurement of how fast the content on your page loads. Google has indicated that load speed is one of the signals used by its algorithm to rank pages.

If you would like more information, please check out this article on Moz: How Website Speed Actually Impacts Search Ranking. Current industry best practise requires a page speed load time of less than three seconds.

Further, with the rollout of the Core Web Vitals, or 'User Experience' algorithm update in 2021, speed has become even more important. We predict that over the coming months, sites that are not rebuilt to current industry standards will lose rankings and may find it very difficult to regain page one placements once they have slipped down onto page three or beyond.

JCCSEO GTMetrix Grade A
The Relationship Between Website Design and Core Web Vitals

The grade given in the table shows a site’s overall performance, reflecting both how fast the page loaded for users and how well it is built for performance.

Web Vitals represents a set of core metrics Google focuses on which determine whether or not your site provides an optimal user experience. Whether your site ranks, moving forward, will be determined by how well it complies with these metrics.

LCP (Largest Contentful Paint) measures how long it takes for the largest content element on your page to become visible to to your visitors. To pass muster, we’re aiming for a speed of not more than 1.2 seconds. As you can see, our page shows a LCP score of just 848 milliseconds. Not bad!

TBT should be 150 milliseconds or less. This is the time delay (total blocking time) caused by scripts as your website loads.

CLS (or cumulative layout shift) indicates how much layout shift a site user experiences when your site is loading. This is the irritating thing that occurs when you are looking at a site on your mobile phone and chunks of the page suddenly move - usually as ads are loaded. Current best practice for content loading speed that enables a good user experience is a score of 0.1 seconds or less.

Does Your Website Need to be Secure?

I imagine you already know the answer to this question! Would you visit a webpage that was flagged as not secure?

Some web browsers actively prevent users from visiting sites that are not deemed to be secure. To be seen as providing adequate user security, your site needs a verifiable SSL Certificate. SSL is an acronym for secure sockets layer, a type of digital security that allows encrypted communication between a website and a web browser.

The goal of SSL (or TLS, which stands for transport layer security) is to make it safe and secure to transmit sensitive information including personal data, payment or login information.

website not secure warning in browser
arrow pointing to padlock in browser beside

All our sites are secure and have the little padlock icon in the browser window, as shown in this image.

Further, we can place a SSL verification badge on your secure website. This badge links to a third-party site in a new browser tab that verifies that your site can be trusted and is SSL secure.

Your site visitors can easily verify your site security for themselves by clicking on the badge. Try it on our site and see it in action for yourself, by clicking on the 'AES 256-BIT SSL SECURED' icon found in the footer area of any of the pages on this site.

Whilst the Trust Badge is very effective, the coding to display it on your site and link it to the third party verification site is 'lightweight' and therefore will not slow down your site at all.

In addition to providing verifiable protection for your site users, there is also the important matter of protecting you and your business from a range of threats and potential attacks.

Part of the service we provide is the peace of mind that comes with knowing your website is managed by web professionals.

We don’t leave anything to chance.

We monitor your site to ensure there are no threats present, we ensure any platform updates are executed swiftly and safely and we maintain backups of your site so that it can be easily and quickly restored if the unthinkable happens.

Does Your Website Need to be Built Using Search Engine Optimisation Principles?

If you want your website to show up in Google, Yahoo!, Bing, DuckDuckGo or any other search engine, then yes, your site needs to be search engine optimised.

The very first step with regard to SEO is technical. We are one of less than a hundred companies in the world that has access to cutting edge technology that allows us to take care of this aspect, so that we can reliably produce sites that are primed for performance. This gives us and our clients an unfair advantage before we start.

Making a website SEO friendly means the search engines can crawl each page on the website efficiently, interpret the content effectively, and index it in their database. Once indexed, they can then serve the most relevant and valuable web pages to their users based on the topics they search for.

Our SEO powered websites give Google (and the other search engines) exactly what they want. No matter how clever the Google bots are, they are just bots. They can only read that which we make available for them to read. There are several ways in which we can indicate what your site is about. As SEOs we know what these signals are and use them to our clients' advantage every day.

We will code your site in such a way that the search engines have all the on page signals required to identify that your site is about whatever main keywords you have told us you wish to rank for. If you invest in one of our SEO packages, we will also conduct keyword research, and analyse your competition, thus ensuring that your website ranks for the right search terms. Unless your on page SEO is right, there's little point in commencing off page optimisation, as it will have little if any impact.

Does Your Website Need to be Accessible to People With Disabilities?

Accessibility and non-discriminatory practices are close to our hearts as our CEO, Julie, worked within the disability sector for more than 25 years and is passionate about ensuring that people with disabilities are not prevented by technology, prejudice or poor practices from engaging in all aspects of life.

All of our websites are built with accessibility in mind.

To be clear, this is about way more than just building a website, as every plugin update or change made at the hosting level can lead to dropping out of compliance. To manage it in a meaningful way requires a combination of website design and development with hosting, maintenance, updates, edits and regular accessibility audits.

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0 failed instances on jccseo website

Does Your Website Need to be Built for Conversion?

Not too many business owners we know have a business website purely as a vanity project. They need it to produce results in their business; to capture the contact details of potential clients and get the phone ringing with high quality leads.

In a nutshell, you want your website to attract your ideal customers and repel the people that are not a good fit. If set up properly, your website will do all the work of providing information and answering any of the frequently asked questions, so that by the time someone taps to call or completes a webform on your site, they're already pre-qualified.

Of course there are a number of factors that impact on whether your website visitors see you as a credible solution to their current problem. As we have mentioned above, if your website loads too slowly, people won't stick around long enough to become customers! Similarly, if your site is flagged in their browser as not secure (and that might be as simple as having an image that is improperly tagged), visitors will not convert into clients.

Gone are the days of 'brochure' type sites on the whole. Generally people want much more than that. If you are a pizza shop, visitors to your website want to see images of the pizzas you offer, prices, optional extras and any special deals. They want to know your opening hours and whether you deliver or offer contactless pick up. They want a map showing where to find you and driving directions. They also want to be able to click to order and pay. All without ever having to talk to you!

We can take care of all of the above as long as you can provide a good customer experience to the leads we send you.

Carbon badge shows this site performs better than 96 percent of pages tested

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